Product Availability

AOA reserves the right to change any or all prices and to eliminate items without advance notice or substitute revised materials for those orders. If you need assistance locating a product or have questions regarding the AOA Marketplace, please call 800.262.2210 or email

Product Personalization


Many of our products are available with personalization. Please allow additional time for orders including product personalization.


Select the customizable product you are interested in ordering. Then click on the "Custom" box. This will display the pricing for this product. Now click on the "add to cart" button. At this point, if you are not already logged on to the AOA Marketplace, you will be asked to log in. If you have an existing account, you would use your standard login information. However, if you are not an AOA member and have also never previously ordered product through the AOA Marketplace, you would then need to register.

Once you are successfully logged in, you will then be directed to a page which provides all the text fields available for customization. Fill out the fields which correspond with your personalization needs and then click the "create proof" button. Once you do so, your proof will be automatically generated and presented to you for review. To inspect the proof up close, click the "View Sample PDF" link just below the product image and wait ten to twenty seconds for the proof PDF to load. If you wish to then add this product to your order, simply click the "add to order" button and proceed with your order. Please note that all customized product sales are final. You are responsible for reviewing your customized content.


As of December 1st, 2015, all AOA Marketplace orders must be paid at time of purchase. VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are all accepted.

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Product Name Quantity Price Total Price Remove


Code : {{item.product.ProductCode}}
Available in quantities of : {{item.product.AvailableQty}}
Code : {{item.product.ProductCode}}
Show Details
  • {{comName.ComponentName}} ({{comName.NoOfQtyInKit * comName.AvailableInQuantitiesOf}}) LIMITED QUANTITY ON BACKORDER PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE
{{item.product.MemberPrice | currency}} {{item.Quantity * item.product.MemberPrice | currency}} {{item.product.Price | currency}} {{item.Quantity * item.product.Price | currency}}
No items added

Total Amount: {{TotalMPrice | currency}} {{TotalLPrice | currency}}

Please note : All discounts are applied on final checkout screen
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No Address Available
  • Default Address {{sAddress.LabelName}}
    {{sAddress.City}}, {{sAddress.State}} {{sAddress.PostalCode}}

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